Sports Injury Clinic in Uxbridge






What physiotherapy can do for you

The Physio Embassy team of skilled and accredited physiotherapists in Uxbridge are committed to delivering superior care to our patients.

With our wide array of specialities, expertise gleamed from experience and holistic dedication, we strive to ensure that each patient receives only the highest standard of personalised care and achieves optimal outcomes on their journey towards recovery and wellness.

Your body deserves the best

Discover the difference that physiotherapy can make by booking an assessment for a home visit, online consultation or in-person at our sports injury clinic in Uxbridge.

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Daniel Pufulete – MSc, MCSP, HCPC

‘Specialising in physiotherapy with over a decade of hands-on experience, I hold a university degree and a Master's qualification. My expertise extends to working with elite tennis players, including those ranked within the top 500 worldwide. Additionally, I've served as a musculoskeletal specialist with the NHS for more than 4 years.

Committed to ongoing professional development, I continuously strive to expand my knowledge and skills in the field.'



Physio Embassy is here to help you reach your goals.

If you have any questions about our services or treatments, please reach out to us at

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Frequently asked questions about our sports injury clinic in Uxbridge

What is physiotherapy?

Physiotherapy is a healthcare profession focused on restoring movement and function to the body, normally in order to aid in recovery from injury, illness or disability. Regardless of your activity level, background or physical condition, physiotherapy serves to improve your mobility, alleviate any chronic or acute pain you may be suffering and enhance your overall wellbeing.

How do I know if I need physiotherapy?

This depends on the needs of the individual. If you are considering if you need physiotherapy, ask yourself:

Are you experiencing persistent pain that interferes with your daily activities?

  • If so, has the pain been present for more than a few weeks?
  • Is the pain affecting your sleep or mood?

Do you have difficulty performing everyday tasks due to stiffness?

  • If so, have you noticed a decrease in your ability to move freely when compared to before?
  • Do you experience pain or discomfort when moving or positioning your body in certain ways?

Are you recovering from an injury or surgery?

  • If so, is your recovery slower than you expected?
  • Do you have concerns about returning to your previous activity levels safely and effectively?

Have you been diagnosed with a chronic condition that affects your mobility like arthritis or osteoporosis?

If your answer to any of the above is ‘yes', it is worth reaching out to a physiotherapist for an assessment.

What conditions do you treat?

Our physiotherapists in Uxbridge treat a wide range of conditions, including musculoskeletal injuries, neurological disorders, sports injuries, arthritis, post-operative rehabilitation, and chronic pain management.





Don't wait to feel your best

Choose your personalised therapy experience – Clinic, home or virtual. Get started by booking an initial assessment below.

Have any questions? Please reach out to us at

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Opening Hours

Monday – Friday: 09:00 – 21:00

Saturday – 09:00 – 18:00

Sunday – Closed


Harrington House

Milton Road



UB10 8PU