Kinesiology Taping in Uxbridge






A simple treatment for speedy recovery

An alternative to rigid braces or bulky wraps, kinesiology tape is a simple procedure with wide-ranging supportive benefits.

Kinesiology tape provides gentle lift and stability, reducing muscle fatigue and improving your general body awareness. This translates to both better performance during physical activity and reduced pain relief without the need of medication, with the tape serving to disrupt pain signals and improve circulation throughout the targeted area.


Ready to move freely? Schedule an assessment today.

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Maximizing Movement  

The benefits of kinesiology taping from our physiotherapists in Uxbridge include:

  • Enhanced range of motion in stiff joints, thanks to the gentle support
  • Improved lymphatic drainage, reducing swelling and inflammation
  • Accelerated recovery from injuries or surgery
  • Improved postural awareness
  • Enhanced coordination and balance



Don’t let pain limit you.

We offer clinic visits, home visits and remote sessions – Get started by booking a consultation.

Should you have any questions about our services, please reach out to us at

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Opening Hours

Monday – Friday: 09:00 – 21:00

Saturday – 09:00 – 18:00

Sunday – Closed


Harrington House

Milton Road



UB10 8PU